Floating Egg Experiment

This is so simple that all you need is a few common household items to make it work. 


  • Salt
  • Two glasses of water 
  • Two raw eggs



  1. Fill two glasses with water
  2. Add 6 tablespoons of salt to one glass (make sure it is fully dissolved by stirring it into the water).

  1. Then very gently lower the egg into the fresh water (the glass without the salt). Notice how it sinks to the bottom of the glass.
  2. Now gently place the other egg in the salted water glass and watch it float to the top.
    If the egg does not float, just add some more salt.

Why Does This Happen? 

When the salt is added to the glass it made the water dense enough to push the egg to the surface which is why the more salt you put in the more it would float to the top.  

Another Thing To Try...

Now add some more regular water to the salt water glass and see what happens. When you add water to the dense salty water it creates a layer making the fresh water float on top of the salty water causing the egg to sink through the new fresh water layer and float in the middle.
