Time to make the fireworks fly -- in your mouth! Try this super ridiculously easy trick that will not only taste delicious but will wow you, amaze you, make you question the very nature of life! Okay maybe not that cool but still something you must try!


  • Mirror
  • A Darkroom
  • Wintergreen or Peppermint Lifesavers 

Now I know what you are thinking, well not really, I am not a mind reader but I have an idea what you may be thinking because I was thinking it too. How can chewing on lifesavers create lighting in your mouth? Certainly, that must be overexaggerated right? Like I said it is really one you have to try for yourself to believe it.


First, go into a dark room and let your eyes adjust to the darkness. Creepy. 
Then chew on the lifesaver of your choice (Has to be Wintergreen or Mint) with your mouth as open as possible while you look into the mirror and watch sparks fly. If you did it correctly then you should see a blue light in your mouth if not then I suggest trying a few more times, It took me a couple tries before I saw it for the first time.

How Does It Work? 

Every time you chop down on the mint candy you are breaking down the sugar crystals and small electrical charges are created. It attracts the nitrogen in the air and causes it to react into blue sparks that are visible.  

